GHSA’s new report makes the case for the integral role of behavioral safety and road user responsibility in the Safe System approach to traffic safety. Putting the Pieces Together: Addressing the Role of Behavioral Safety in the Safe System Approach, developed for GHSA by Cambridge Systematics, includes actionable recommendations illustrating how organizations and advocates can work together to prevent roadway deaths.
- Download Putting the Pieces Together: Addressing the Role of Behavioral Safety in the Safe System Approach
- News Release: New GHSA Report Affirms Behavioral Aspect of Safe System Approach to Reaching Zero Traffic Deaths
The report debunks the misconception held by some in the traffic safety community that infrastructure alone can end road deaths and that behavioral safety plays no role in keeping road users safe. Instead, it will take a comprehensive solution – including infrastructure improvements, changes to road design, equitable enforcement of traffic laws, education and public outreach, and emergency response – to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and deaths.
The report’s findings were discussed during two GHSA webinars on January 18 and February 10, 2022. You can watch recordings of those conversations below.
GHSA thanks the expert panel members who provided insights for this report:
- Sarah Abel, Transportation Planning Director, Institute of Transportation Engineers
- Shelly Baldwin, Governor’s Representative/Director, Washington Traffic Safety Commission
- Katie Ballard*, Special Assistant, Research & Program Development, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- George Bishop, Chief Deputy Commissioner, Department of Motor Vehicles, Virginia Highway Safety Office
- Jessica Cicchino, Vice President for Research, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
- Mark Ezzell, Governor’s Representative/Director, North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program
- Michael Fergus, Program Manager, International Association of Chiefs of Police
- King Gee, Director of Safety and Mobility, American Association of State Highway &Transportation Officials
- Dana Gigliotti*, Director, Office of Safety Programs, Federal Highway Administration
- Michael Hanson, Director, Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety
- Kelly Hardy, Senior Engineering Program Manager for Safety, American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials
- Tim Kerns, Director, Maryland Highway Safety Office
- Betty Mercer, President, Mercer Consulting Group, LLC
- Jeffrey Michael, Visiting Scholar, Center for Injury Research & Policy, John Hopkins University
- Jake Nelson, Director of Traffic Safety Advocacy & Research, AAA
- Barbara Rooney, Governor’s Representative/Director, California Office of Traffic Safety
- Laura Sandt, Director, Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety, University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center
- Nanda Srinivasan*, Associate Administrator for Research & Program Development, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- Jane Terry, Vice President, Government Affairs, National Safety Council
- John Whetsel, Chair, Traffic Safety Committee, National Sheriff’s Association
- Kyle Wills, Law Enforcement Liaison, Boise, Idaho Police Department
- Robert Wunderlich, Director, Center for Transportation Safety, Texas Transportation Institute
*Served in an advisory capacity