Each year in late summer, GHSA hosts an Annual Meeting and exhibition for its members and partners. Below is information on previous meetings, including full conference programs.
2023: Connecting Communities: Putting Vision Zero into Action
New York, NY | Aug. 12-16
The GHSA 2023 Annual Meeting theme, “Connecting Communities: Putting Vision Zero into Action,” affirmed the importance of involving communities of all sizes in implementing proven and innovative solutions for preventing crashes.
2022: Redefining Possible: Traffic Safety in a Changing World
Louisville, KY | Sept. 17-21
The GHSA 2022 Annual Meeting theme, “Redefining Possible: Traffic Safety in a Changing World,” spoke to our shared goal of zero traffic deaths and adapting to the many changes in both the highway safety community and the country in general.
2021: Moving Mountains: Forging a New Traffic Safety Landscape
Denver, CO | Sept. 11-15
The GHSA 2021 Annual Meeting theme, “Moving Mountains: Forging a New Traffic Safety Landscape,” spoke to important and critical challenges we face as we emerge from a year of pandemic-related restrictions that changed the way people work, interact and travel.