The Nevada Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) received a grant from GHSA and the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility (Responsibility.org) to help law enforcement recognize and arrest drug-impaired drivers. This grant funding came at a particularly key time as Nevada legalized recreational marijuana use.
At the start of 2016, Nevada had 55 certified Drug Recognition Experts (DREs), a decline from previous years. With this in mind, OTS planned to utilize funding to host two DRE training classes and certify an additional 40 officers to strengthen its DRE program and restore the number of certified officers. Ultimately, Nevada far exceeded its goal, holding four classes and training 52 officers from agencies across the state. This grant also helped Nevada hold a training course for Standard Field Sobriety Test (SFST) and DRE Instructors, equipping officers with the skills necessary to train others in the future.
Due to the success of this grant, OTS specifically addressed DRE training in its Impaired Driving Strategic Plan and State Highway Safety Plan and provided further funding to continue DRE training to Nevada law enforcement agencies throughout the state.