The South Dakota Office of Highway Safety (SDOHS) received a grant from GHSA and the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility (Responsibility.org) to hold an Impaired Driving Conference in December 2019. Nearly 100 law enforcement officers attended, as well as prosecutors from South Dakota, North Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska.
The conference featured a variety of speakers on topics including the effects of drugged driving, a personal account of opioid addiction and recovery, and an explanation of the biotransformation of cannabis, providing a well-rounded experience for attendees.
In South Dakota, traditional drunk driving arrests and alcohol-involved crashes may be decreasing, but there is an increased trend of drug impaired driving arrests and crashes. Law enforcement officers face difficulty in properly identifying and detecting individuals under the influence of drugs and other substances. The SDOHS recognizes that advanced specialized training is needed for law enforcement.
The Impaired Driving Conference received positive feedback from attendees and provided professionals involved in DUI apprehension with further training and additional learning opportunities through conference workshops.